Hello all

I'm the author of Wumpus (vector graphics) and Neume (music score setting).

Wumpus is on Hackage. Wumpus-Core is the stable part - it is a library
for generating PostScript and SVG from a fairly simple graphics model
that's somewhat like PostScript but is essentially stateless.

Wumpus has some other libraries that are a bit more problematic. As
anyone who has dabbled in vector graphics soon finds out, the hiatus
between the simple drawings (Lindemayer systems, Sieperski triangles,
...) and complicated but actually useful graphics (charts, block
diagrams, petri nets...) is huge. The other Wumpus libraries
(Wumpus-Basic, Wumpus-Drawing, Wumpus-Tree) are work towards producing
useful graphics, unfortunately they are a long way from being
generally useful: functionality and API's regularly change or

Ideally I wouldn't have put the higher-level packages on Hackage as I
wouldn't recommend anyone use them in their present state, but when I
uploaded them I felt they were a lot nearer readiness than they turned
out to be.

Some pictures are on Flickr:

Neume generates LilyPond and ABC scores from Haskell, it rather
resembles Wumpus-Core in that it manages the low-level functionality
pretty well but for practical use there's another big hiatus between
the low-level functionality and a higher-level model that would be
pleasant and concise to program with.

I have tried to tie Neume to Haskore, but Haskore has numeric (rather
than symbolic) note lengths and arbitrary nesting of "systems" via the
par combinator. Both of these make Haskore a very difficult candidate
for a (printed) score language.

Neume isn't on Hackage as although it is competent at what it does,
it's a long distance from being a "Text.PrettyPrint for LilyPond" and
I think people might expect it to be a "pretty print for LilyPond" if
they stumbled across it in the wild.

I hope to pick up work on Neume this summer after I've pushed Wumpus
further along. Again there are some examples on Flickr.

Best wishes

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