I think deep reverse example doesn't break music-signal barrier.
For music structure you can make function

reverseMusic :: Music a -> Music a

And if you are going to reverse signals you are going to write function for

reverseSignal :: Signal -> Signal

and then if 'Music' is 'Functor'

reverseDeep :: Music Signal -> Music Signal
reverseDeep = fmap reverseSignal . reverseMusic


2011/3/11 Henning Thielemann <lemm...@henning-thielemann.de>

> On Fri, 11 Mar 2011, Stephen Tetley wrote:
>  I still don't understand what Evan's reverse instrument models.
>> Is it reversing the sound of a note so it is some function wrapping a
>> unit generator?
>> Or is it reversing a sequence of notes according to pitch?
> I think he means reversing the signal generated by a part of the music,
> since this is a classical example of breaking the music-signal barrier.
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