Hello Henning,

The whole idea of writing dsp algorithms directly in haskell is very
interesting. I think it would be much more intuitive to extend synthesis
systems like this.

But there are so many good options like supercollider (and hsc3 for
instance), that it is very discouraging using a less efficient system
for real-time.

You told you could not do much complex synthesis with your system, is
this because you don't have a bigger block size? Or Haskell garbage
collector? What is your strategy in this respect?

There are other systems trying to make decent DSP performance with
languages other then C. The second version of JSyn is all written in
pure Java, not c like the first version. That is good! The same language
for high and low level work, unlike supercollider that you must know c++
to tweak the UGens. And they get decent performance for more complex
synthesis algorithms.[1] Also silencio, that is written in lua.[2] I
don't know much about those systems, but if those smart guys are working
on that, it seams possible to do it.

[1] http://www.softsynth.com/jsyn/index.php
[2] https://code.google.com/p/silencio
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