Am 14.04.2014 02:49, schrieb Evan Laforge:

> I know the question isn't for me, but I do the same kind of stuff and
> the gc isn't a problem for me because latency is not a problem.  I
> think only time latency is relevant is when you want external input to
> immediately have a reaction.  So basically only if you're creating a
> physical performance instrument and want that ear-to-hand feedback
> cycle.


 >  I'm guessing livecoding doesn't care that much, because while
> you want your change to be reflected soon, it's not critical that it
> happen within 4ms of your hitting enter.  It's probably going to wait
> until the next beat or cycle anyway.

Yes, for our live sequencer we also accept a latency of 0.1 seconds.

> Henning Thielemann's synthesizer work would care about GC though,
> because he's making a real time instrument.  He can speak for himself,
> but I seem to recall he either is very careful to get allocation out
> of the core loop, or he compiles down to allocation-free code via LLVM
> or something.  But I'm guessing that's more for performance on the
> synthesis side than latency.

Right, I am using LLVM mainly for increasing performance. Keeping 
allocations out of the core loop using LLVM would be nice, but there is 
still a lot of Haskell code involved in that loop. This becomes a 
problem with short buffers, like the standard buffer of JACK containing 
only 64 samples, i.e. ~1ms at 48000.

> All that said, I think if you don't allocate unreasonable amounts,
> even major GCs are pretty fast.  I wouldn't worry about it for soft
> real time like music.  You might have to spend some time with the
> profiler and threadscope to work out your lag/drag, is all.

My early problems with the garbage collector were space leaks. The more 
memory the GC has to process the slower it becomes. I used lazy lists 
and it was very easy to produce space leaks and it was very hard to get 
rid of them. Since I switched to causal arrows these problems have gone.


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