Nice!  That looks easy to use.

Is it possible to kick off sample playback from haskell in real time, in 
response to keyboard events for instance?

On 06/20/2014 01:17 PM, Anton Kholomiov wrote:
> I wanted to mix a drum-loop with the tanpura sound to play along
> with bansuri flute. I've got a short drum-loop and looong file of the
> tanpura drone and haskell. So I've done it with my library
> csound-expression and moved the usefull functionality in the
> library. Now it's much easier to play sound files.
> And..
> I'd like to announce the new version of the library 'csound-expression' [1]
> With new functions it's very easy to read and playback sound files.
> recently I wanted to make a simple mix of drum loop with harmony.
> With new functions it's as simple as
> ~~~
> module Main where
> import Csound.Base
> -- ten minutes
> totalDur = 10 * 60
> main = dac $ takeSnd totalDur $ tabla + mul 0.5 tanpura
> where
> tabla    = loopSnd "tanpura - f - sp.mp3"
> tanpura  = loopSndBy 8 "Teentaal.wav"
> ~~~
> ~~~
> -- to read file in loop
> loopSnd :: String -> (Sig, Sig)
> -- to read file in loop with given period
> loopSndBy :: D -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
> -- to take only given amount of seconds from file
> takeSnd :: Sigs a => Double -> a -> a
> -- to scale signals with the given signal
> mul :: SigSpace a => Sig -> a -> a
> ~~~
> D is a Double inside dsl, Sigs is a type class for tpules of signals.
> There are functions to read wav-files with the given speed.
> Here is how we can listen to the file in reverse in the terminal:
> ~~~
> ghci
>> :m +Csound.Base
>> readWav (-1) "fuzzy-buzzy-sound.wav"
> ~~~
> The functions `readWav` and `loopWav` take a speed
> of playback as first argument (and it's signal. We can change
> it over time)
> ~~~
> readWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
> loopWav :: Sig -> String -> (Sig, Sig)
> ~~~
> You can look at all new functions at
> Sorry for skipping the docs. I hope that description above helps somehow.
> I''m going to fix it soon.
> [1]
> Cheers
> Anton


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