Breakthrough!  yay, got a looper to work.  Thanks for the help. Code below.

    -- attempt at all-in-one.
    loopster name buf busfrom busto =
       let sig = in' 1 AR busfrom            -- one channel of input.
           rec = control KR "record" 0       -- make this 1.0 to record.
           play = control KR "play" 0        -- make this 1.0 to play.
           r_reset = tr_control "r_reset" 0  -- reset to start of record
           p_reset = tr_control "p_reset" 0  -- reset to start of play
           -- recphas starts at 0 up to end of buf.
           -- only changes when rec != 0
           recphas = phasor AR r_reset rec 0 (bufFrames AR buf) 0
           bfwr = bufWr buf recphas Loop sig
           -- play phasor ranges from 0 to last known recphas.
           -- only plays when 'play' is != 0.
           playphas = phasor AR p_reset play 0 recphas 0
           bfrd = bufRd 1 AR buf playphas Loop NoInterpolation -- buffer
           -- out signal is 'in' sig plus loop sound.
           -- mult by 'play' to mute the loop when not in use.
           outs = out busto (sig + (bfrd * play))
         synthdef name (mrg [outs, bfwr])

During initialization:

       -- create looper buffer.
       withSC3 (send (b_alloc (fromIntegral gLoopBufId) (44100 * 120) 1))

       -- create the looper synthdef, and a synth from that.
       withSC3 (async (d_recv (loopster "looper" gLoopBufId gDelayOut 1)))
       withSC3 (send (s_new "looper" gLoopSynthId AddToTail 1 []))

Function called by the looper button:

    doloopster :: SoundState -> Bool -> IO SoundState
    doloopster soundstate False = return soundstate
    doloopster soundstate True =
       -- each time the button is pressed, iterate to the next
       -- looper state:  Passthrough -> Record -> Playback
       case (ss_looperState soundstate) of
         Passthrough -> do
           print "loopster - record"
           -- go to record mode.
           withSC3 (send (F.n_set1 gLoopSynthId "r_reset" 1.0))
           withSC3 (send (F.n_set1 gLoopSynthId "record" 1.0))
           return $ soundstate { ss_looperState = Record }
         Record -> do
           print "loopster - play"
           -- go to playback mode.
           withSC3 (send (F.n_set1 gLoopSynthId "record" 0.0))
           withSC3 (send (F.n_set1 gLoopSynthId "p_reset" 1.0))
           withSC3 (send (F.n_set1 gLoopSynthId "play" 1.0))
           return $ soundstate { ss_looperState = Play }
         Play -> do
           print "loopster - passthrough"
           -- go to passthrough mode.
           withSC3 (send (F.n_set1 gLoopSynthId "play" 0.0))
           return $ soundstate { ss_looperState = Passthrough }


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