On Mon, 21 Mar 2016, amin...@gmail.com wrote:

>     Resurrecting a pretty old thread here, but I think I've found a nice way 
> to crack this problem, which I use in Vivid 0.2 -- thought I'd give a 
> run-down:
>     If you'll recall, when we last saw our heros they were struggling with 
> the inability to have 3 things in our UGens simultaneously:
>  - Default argument values: if we don't use records we need to require all 
> arguments, and so we'd need to e.g. provide a "phase" to every SinOsc
>  - Type-checked arguments: if we use records to represent our values, we 
> can't use "freq" only on the ugens it makes sense on: someone could 
> accidentally give WhiteNoise a freq. We could make them unambiguous, but we 
> also want...
>  - Short argument names: nobody wants to write "sinOscFreq" - they want to 
> write "freq"!

I just watched the interface of vivid and wondered about the scary types. 
I think it would be possible even in Haskell 98 to have something like 

sinOsc :: UGen SinOsc

freq :: (Freq typ) => Float -> UGen typ -> UGen typ
phase :: (Phase typ) => Float -> UGen typ -> UGen typ

class Freq typ where setFreq :: typ -> typ
instance Freq SinOsc where setFreq f args = args {sinOscFreq = f}
instance Phase SinOsc where ...

SinOsc is the record holding the arguments for a sine oscillator.

Then you could write:
    phase (pi/2) $ freq 800 sinOsc


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