On Tue, 22 Mar 2016, amin...@gmail.com wrote:

>   - No required arguments: some UGens don't/can't have a "default" 
> value, but there's nothing preventing the user from calling it without 
> modifying any args

Then you can fall back to regular Haskell function arguments.

>   - It's more work to create a new UGen: you need to create the type of 
> the record with "foo" prefixes on its args, then an instance of that 
> record, and also the Freq, etc instances for each arg. You'll also need 
> a function to convert that particular ugen to something SC understands. 
> My hope is that users can make UGens themselves fairly quickly. Most 
> ugens in vivid are defined in a couple of lines, with a standard 
> "makeUGen" function.

If there is a uniform internal data structure like Binary or String, you 
do not even need a new record type per UGen. If a record is the right 
internal structure you might compose records on the fly from bricks like 
    data Freq  more = Freq Double more
    data Phase more = Phase Double more
    data Empty      = Empty

    type Osc = Freq (Phase Empty)


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