
On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 07:11:14PM +0100, Graeme Turner wrote:
> [...]

> I am e-mailing you to see if you could offer me a bit of assistance. I have
> chosen to use
> Haskell in a minor assignment at my University, Heriot Watt in Edinburgh.
> The basic aim is to read in a file of data, sort it and then display it.

> [...]

How about

import List(sort)

main = do
    fileContents <- readFile "inputFile"
    -- the do notation hides the bind (>>=) operator.
    -- fileContents :: String (=== [Char])
    let l = lines fileContents
    -- l :: [String]
    let sortedL = sort l
    -- sortedL :: [String]
    let outputData = unlines sortedL
    -- outputData :: String
    putStr outputData

Regards, Hannah.

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