On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Martin Gustafsson wrote:

> Hello 
> I'm a haskell newbie that tries to create a tree with arbitary numbers of childs. 
> I create the data structure but i can't do anything on it can someone please help
> me with a small function that sums the values of the leafs, so i don´t loose my hair
> so fast.
> The datastructure looks like this and a binary tree built with it would look like 
> data GeneralTree  = Nil | Node (Integer,[GeneralTree])

As you said you were a newbie I will ask a few questions about your

Do you know that there is no need to tuple the elements in the Node if you
do not want to. You can write:

data GeneralTree  = Nil | Node Integer [GeneralTree]

What is the intended difference between (Node 5 []) and (Node 5 [Nil]) ?

> tree = 
>   (20,
>    [
>     (-20,[(30,[Nil]),(20,[Nil])]),
>     (40,[(65,[Nil]),(-40,[Nil])])
>    ]
>   )

This is not of type GeneralTree! (And its layout is messed up)

Hint: write the type of every expression you write, and debugging will be
much easier.

tree :: GeneralTree

ERROR tree.hs:8 - Type error in explicitly typed binding
*** Term           : tree
*** Type           : (a,[(b,[(c,[GeneralTree])])])
*** Does not match : GeneralTree

This is an expression with type GeneralTree:

tree :: GeneralTree
tree = Node 20 [Node (-20) [Node 30 [Nil], Node 20 [Nil]],
                Node 40    [Node 65 [Nil], Node (-40) [Nil]]]

Now it should be very easy to write a function to sum the nodes in a tree

sumTree :: GeneralTree -> Integer
sumTree Nil = 0
sumTree (Node n ts) = ... write this yourself 

hint - sum and map are very useful functions (defined in the prelude) as
are recursion.

Good luck!

/Lars L

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