Thanks so much for the reply. On Thu, Jun 06, 2003 at 08:06 PM, Dylan Thurston wrote: > Was there actually a problem with the efficiency of your first code?
No -- it was untested, and as I developed more of the code in Haskell, I found that there were slight differences between what I thought we needed to do and what my co-worker had in mind. So, even if my co-worker goes back to writing things in SAS, this has already been helpful for clarifying requirements. In particular, it turns out that he needs to know when promotions overlap for the same SKU, as this is an indication that the data we've received are invalid. I tested the mergeSort to make sure I didn't have any errors, though I used the fairly standard one. It was much faster than a sort in SAS, at least with a PROC SQL, though I ran into size limitations because I had to compile on the Windows side. (We don't have gcc installed on our UNIX side, so ghci will work but ghc won't compile my code.) Since I'm analyzing roughly 600MB of data, I will probably add a step or two in order to chunk the data. In any case, I'm not noticing any obvious inefficiencies, but my Haskell programming is self-taught, and this is my first attempt at solving a real problem at work using Haskell, so I figured I'd get feedback from the list. > (Unless this is really a one-shot deal, I suspect using Ints for dates > is a bad decision...) When I first read this message, I thought, "Well, this really is only a one-shot deal." However, as I thought more about this, I decided that I should write this so that we can use it in case another client comes along with similar data for us to analyze on another project. So I will change this and define a date type, or else I'll read the ghc documentation and learn how to use what's in the time library. > import List(sortBy, insertBy) > > data PromotionRec = PR {sku :: String, store :: String, startDate :: Int, endDate :: Int, amount::Float} As it turns out, the same promotions are always on across all stores. Thus, each SKU/startDate/endDate will seem to have a duplicate promotion. Also, I don't need the amount information, so I wrote the import function so that it would ignore the amount information. One further change: the SKU and store are identified by their number, not their descriptions. The new data type is like this: data PromoRec = PR {startDate, endDate, skuID, storeID :: Int} deriving Show though I will likely implement a better show function and will, as noted above, change the dates to a date type. The file is a fixed-width file, so I just do this: loadData :: Handle -> IO [String] loadData handle = do s <- hGetContents handle return (lines s) toPromoRecs :: [String] -> [PromoRec] toPromoRecs [] = [] toPromoRecs (x:xs) = (PR (read (take 8 x)) (read (take 8 (drop 8 x))) (read (take 20 (drop 16 x))) (read (take 20 (drop 36 x)))) : toPromoRecs xs There's probably a much more clever way to do this, but it seems fairly fast. The file allowed 20 spaces for the SKU and store numbers, but they're at most 7 digits long. Again, I'll need to change the first and second reads to some function that converts a string in the form yyyymmdd into a date type (or I'll need to write one). > compareStart, compareEnd :: PromotionRec -> PromotionRec -> Ordering > compareStart x y = compare (startDate x) (startDate y) > compareEnd x y = compare (endDate x) (endDate y) This is helpful; I'll also need to add a function like this: compareSku :: PromoRec -> PromoRec -> Ordering compareSku x y = compare (skuID x) (skuID y) > overlap :: [PromoRec] -> [[PromoRec]] > overlap l = filter (lambda l. length l > 1) > (overlap' [] (sortBy compareStart l)) > > overlap' _ [] = [] > overlap' active (x:xs) = > let {active' = dropWhile (lambda y. endDate y < startDate x) active} in > (x:active') : overlap' (insertBy compareEnd x active') xs Okay; I see what additional modifications I should make. I need to add a step sort by store and delete duplicate stores where the SKU, start date, and end date are the same. But I should be able to get there from here. > The key is that, by keeping a list of the currently active promotions > in order sorted by the ending date, we only need to discared an > initial portion of the list. Good insight. Many thanks. > You could get a moderately more efficient implementation by keeping > the active list as a heap rather than a list. I had thought about that, and took the BinomialHeap.hs file from Okasaki, but I must have a typo somewhere, because I was having typing clashes that I couldn't easily clarify. At least, when I loaded the BinomialHeap.hs into Hugs, it didn't complain, but when I tried to create an empty heap using the heapEmpty function, Hugs screamed at me. I got scared and fled the scene, retreating into the safety of lists. Thanks again, Jack _______________________________________________ Haskell-Cafe mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]