Jon Fairbairn comments //Steffen Mazanek//:

Prelude> 0.1::Rational
13421773 % 134217728
Prelude> 13421773/134217728

I do not know how this fraction is calculated, but
it does not fit my expectations :-)
Remember that internally arithmetic is binary, and that 0.1
can't be expressed exactly as a floating point number. I
think that's the explanation.

Ok, ok, it is no bug...

No, I think it is a bug: 0.1 ought to be equivalent to fromRational (1%10), but Hugs isn't intended for numerical work. GHCi gets the right answer.

This is less a bug than a Nessie monster which haunts Hugs
some centuries already, and on Internet the issue has been
discussed at least 4 times. The old, experimental Gofer
Prelude numeric functions were sometimes abominable, since
Mark Jones concentrated on other things, and nobody really
complained, people were busy with other stuff as well.

But I can't understand why this continues until now. The
obvious technique to convert floats to rationals is the
continued fraction expansion which gives the simplified
answer fast.

I don't understand the remark that the internal arithmetic is
binary. Sure, it is, so what? Why Ross Paterson underlies
this as well? He concludes:

> The real fix would be to keep the literals as Rationals, but
> this would be too expensive in the Hugs setting.

Andrew Bromage says some words about errors and representation.
I think that the problem can (perhaps should) be dealt with at
a higher level. What's wrong with conversion functions like
those below. First, convert a float to a lazy list of coeffs.
of a regular continued fraction:

tocfrac x =
 let n = floor x
     y = x-fromInteger n
 in n : if y==0.0 then [] else tocfrac (recip y)

and then reconstruct using Euler sequences as described in Knuth or perhaps an optimized method, the one I cite is not very efficient. It gives a list of (N,D) -- *all* rational approximants of the original float.

continuant l@(_:ql) = zip (tail (euseq l)) (euseq ql) where euseq [] = [] euseq (x:q) = eus 1 x q eus p0 p1 (a:cq) = p0 : eus p1 (a*p1+p0) cq eus p0 p1 [] = [p0,p1]

Now, test it:

r=take 10 (continuant (tocfrac pp))

You should get

[(3,1),(22,7),(333,106),(355,113),(103993,33102),(104348,33215), ...
etc;, anyway all that is already inexact...

For 0.1 one gets [(0,1),(1,10)]

Jerzy Karczmarczuk

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