Duncan Coutts wrote:
On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 10:20, Graham Klyne wrote:
[...] I would expect that when using GHC to compile a stand-alone Haskell program, any expressions that are not referenced are not included in the final object program, so leaving these test cases uncommented would be harmless: is this so?

If your test functions are not exported, I would expect that this is the case. [...]

Yes, unused functions which are not exported are nuked during compilation, even without using the -O flag. But don't guess, just ask GHC itself via its -ddump-occur-anal flag. (DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible for the, well, slightly obscure name of this flag! :-) There are a lot more flags of this kind, see:


When you are *really* curious, use -v5.

Simon^2: The -ddump-all and -ddump-most flags mentioned on the page above are
not working anymore, -v5 / -v4 seem to do their job now. Should the documentation
be fixed or GHC?


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