
The Foreign Function Interface (FFI) is your friend for these tasks:


On the haskell.org web page, under "libraries and tools" there are links to
a number of tools to help you connect your C & haskell programs.
The GreenCard and c->haskell tools seem to be used by a number
of people.

Alastair Reid's Guide to Haskell's Foreign Function Interface,


is a good place to start. It has some comparison of the various tools.

Best Wishes, Greg

On Apr 13, 2004, at 12:56 PM, Russ Lewis wrote:

Does Haskell have some mechanism that allows it to link to C, or other imperative languages?

I know, you could use the IO Monad to do it...using stdin and stdout as pipes to any other program. But is there a way to link Haskell into a C program?

Thanks again for the help for a newbie...
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