But isn't the point of this code that you don't
need that type signature?  If I knew in advance
that it was an Integer then I wouldn't need to
passs "Integer" in the list.


On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Chung-chieh Shan wrote:

> On 2004-04-28T23:33:31-0400, S. Alexander Jacobson wrote:
> > I don't think this works.  I just tried it with:
> >   main = print $ lookupRead 1 [(1,("Integer","100"))]
> This fails for the same reason
>     print $ read "100"
> fails.  You need to give a type signature to avoid type-class instance
> ambiguity:
>     main = print $ (lookupRead 1 [(1,("Integer","100"))] :: Maybe Integer)
> On GHCi 6.2.1, the above yields "Just 100" for me.
> --
> Edit this signature at http://www.digitas.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/ken/sig
> Be it declared and enacted by this present Parliament / That the People
> of England / are / a Commonwealth and free State / without any King or
> House of Lords.        -- An Act declaring England to be a Commonwealth
> 1649-05-19 | 355 years | 2004-05-19            http://tinyurl.com/2dqnh

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