Einar Karttunen wrote:
There are several cases in which multiple threads racing putMVar is
correct. Consider e.g. a server thread encapsulating state, which needs to rate limit its clients. The server is put behind a MVar
to which all the clients putMVar and thus block until the server is ready
> ...
The server thread uses tryTakeMVar for its job.

Now add a debug function:

debug :: MVar SCoreT -> IO ()
debug mv = tryReadMVar mv >>= maybe (putStrLn "Nothing") print

And suddenly we have a created a subtle bug in the code with flawed tryReadMVar implementation.

Indeed, but depending upon the vagaries of scheduling, you may in fact be guaranteed *never* to see any output (eg, when tryTakeMVar yields on empty and putMVar yields unconditionally).

I was, however, curious what use you had in mind where writes were racing, but where you nonetheless wanted to perform blind non-blocking reads. Such situations are generally fraught with peril. In this case, the peril is starvation of the debug thread---which you may or may not actually care about.

-Jan-Willem Maessen

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