
Well, I tried what you suggested, and it seems to work. Unfortunately, it's not very useful. The point of creating MonadPCont, was, like MonadCont or MonadState, to automatically provide features to a monad built from a transformer, without having to redefine them. Since ContT is the monad transformer, I want any monad created from it to automatically support the MonadPCont operations. But they can't, because I can't make ContT an instance of MonadPCont.

I can make FlipContT an instance of MonadPCont, but I can't make FlipContT a monad transformer. So what you have to do is create your layered monadwith ContT on top, and then apply the FlipCont constructor to get a monad with the methods of MonadPCont. Now since FlipContT isn't a monad transformer, you can't lift things into it. You can lift them into ContT and then write a wrapper around that.

My point is that, unfortunately, I don't think it's very practical to create this type class. I think the problem is that, although MonadCont attempts to describe a monad as having certain operations, MonadPCont attempts to describe a group of related monads as having certain operations. They are related by being formed from the same type constructor.

Here's the modified code:

module MonadPCont where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.RWS

class (Monad (mc a), Monad (mc r)) => MonadPCont mc a r where
   shift :: ((forall b. Monad (mc b) => a -> mc b r) -> mc r r) -> mc r a
   reset :: mc a a -> mc r a

instance MonadPCont Cont a r where
   shift f = Cont (\c -> runCont (f (\x -> Cont (\c' -> c' (c x)))) id)
   reset m = Cont (\c -> c (runCont m id))

data FlipContT m r a = FlipContT { unFlipContT :: (ContT r m a)}

instance Monad m => Monad (FlipContT m r) where
   return x = FlipContT $ return x
   (FlipContT m') >>= f = FlipContT $ m' >>= (unFlipContT . f)

runFlipContT :: FlipContT m r a -> (a -> m r) -> m r
runFlipContT (FlipContT m) = runContT m
instance Monad m => MonadPCont (FlipContT m) a r where
shift f = FlipContT $ ContT $ \c ->
runFlipContT (f (\x -> FlipContT $ ContT $ \c' -> c x >>= c'))
reset m = FlipContT $ ContT $ \c -> runFlipContT m return >>= c

- Lyle

Chung-chieh Shan wrote:

On 2004-08-31T09:55:10-0700, Lyle Kopnicky wrote:

Sorry, I don't think I made myself clear. I'm not defining PI, it's the standard type binding operator, like lambda is the variable binding operator. Maybe I could write it as 'II' so it looks more like a capital pi. It's not a feature of Haskell, but part of type theory (dependent types). I was mixing and matching and making it look like Haskell. So instead of 'PI r -> ContT r m', I could write 'flip ContT', except that 'flip' needs to work on a type level instead of a value level. Or I could write '(`ContT` m)', or 'ContT _ m', where the '_' is a hole. Does this make sense now?

Yes, it makes sense now. You need to define

   newtype FlipContT m r a = FlipContT (ContT r m a)

or more generally,

   newtype Flip c (m :: * -> *) r a = Flip (c r m a)

The rationale for disallowing matching partially-applied type synonyms
is that higher-order unification is undecidable.

See also:

Neubauer, Matthias, and Peter Thiemann. 2002.  Type classes with
more higher-order polymorphism.  In ICFP '02: Proceedings of the ACM
international conference on functional programming. New York: ACM Press.

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