Hows this:

   tail (Many i a l)
      | i < (e-s) = (Many (i+1) a l)
      | otherwise = l
      where (s,e) = bounds a
      a ++: l
      | e >= s = Many s a l
      | otherwise = l
      where (s,e) = bounds a

A futher though is that with constructors you can do:

        f (a:as) =
        f [] =

As you cannot use the constructors to access the list elements here,
maybe the following would be more useful:

class List l where
   head :: IArray UArray a => l a -> Maybe a
   tail :: IArray UArray a => l a -> Maybe (l a)

then you can write:

        f x
         | Just h <- head x = ...
         | otherwise = ...

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