> The _result_ of a rather complex computation, so it has to

return a function that returns the handle.

for example:

   handleOpener = complex function
   bracket handleOpener close (\h -> do


Peter Simons wrote:

Remi Turk writes:

>> Assuming I could _not_ use 'bracket', 'withFile',
>> 'finally' or any of the other usual scope-guarding
>> techniques [...]

> Refactoring comes to the mind... ;)

I wish that were possible! I use bracket-style resource
allocation wherever I can, but in this case the Handle is
the _result_ of a rather complex computation, so it has to
leave the scope in which is was opened. A finalizer is all I
can use.

> performGC

That is the function I was looking for.

Well, it's actually not at all the function I was looking
for, but given the circumstances, it seems to be the only
solution. Alternatives are highly sought after, though!


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