Benjamin Franksen writes:

> On Monday 01 November 2004 23:40, Jon Fairbairn wrote:
> > Apart from matching up with the names there's not much to
> > choose between one destructor and many, except possibly when
> > one considers something like:
> > 
> > Â Âcase e of
> > Â Â ÂSquare s -> ...
> > Â Â Â_ -> ...
> > 
> > particularly if the type has more than two constructors.
> True. Anyway, we don't really want to abandon pattern matching
> syntax, do we?

Explicit destructor functions are nice when working in a point-free
fashion. Consider these:

    c1 = someComputation >>= maybe mzero return

    c2 = do
        x <- someComputation
        case x of
            Just x' -> return x'
            Nothing -> mzero

On the other hand, this function (which I actually have in my code) may
be over-doing it:

    swap = maybe (Right Nothing) (either Left (Right . Just))
David Menendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <>
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