I'm struggling to keep up with this list, so I'll make two brief responses here. Sorry to not be more forthcoming:

1. The lack of variables in Haskell isn't a problem so much as an opportunity to think in new and interesting ways.

2. I think that when you talk about "versioning", you come close to a useful way of thinking about mutable data in Haskell. My understanding is that the "classical" way (i.e. pre-monads) to think of mutable values in functional languages was to model them as a time-sequence of intermediate values, where a function to "update a state" returns the next value in that sequence. Expressed this way, a practical problem arises that the intermediate values don't (necessarily) go away, creating a potential for exploding storage requirements. (If, as with document versioning, you want to keep the intermediate values, then you need to figure a way to live with this; value sharing in pure functional languages is a big help here.) But often one is only interested in the "latest" or "current" value in the time-sequence. Monads provide a way of capturing this: the state is implicitly threaded through a sequence of computations (e.g. the expressions in a do-list), with old versions thrown away as new ones are created (unless the state is explicitly saved, which is not always possible).


At 00:50 04/12/04 -0500, Dimitry Golubovsky wrote:

I am probably not the first to think about this, yet I was unable to find any signs of activities in this direction, so maybe I will be able to know something from this list.

First of all, reading multiple messages about global and mutable variables desired in Haskell, I was thinking: isn't the root of the problem in the fact that there are no variables in Haskell at all?

Indeed (and my experience of digging in Hugs sources confirms) Haskell program (function) is just a description of some memory structure which being completed by the bindings of its arguments, is further transformed by the evaluator into some other data structure, etc.

Now imagine a data storage with structure similar to one of a Haskell program. I. e. a storage having metadata-objects like data constructor functions, data types which are parents to data constructors (like in data X = Foo Int | Bar Float), classes, instances, modules, etc. Also data objects themselves, i. e. precompiled and serialized functions along with their type information. Data objects do not differ from functions i. e. they are stored the same way.

Now quoting Graham Klyne

Subject was: [HAskell-Cafe] Mutable and persistent values (was: Top Level TWI's again) posted 2004-11-23 05:11:25 PST:

(I tried to post reply via Google Groups, but it did not make it back to the list):

> It is my view that use a functional language effectively, it is necessary
> to think differently about its structure than one would for a conventional
> imperative program.  Global values become parameters and return
> values;  mutable values become input values and new (separate) return
> values.  If you're used to writing imperative programs that do not use
> global state, but rather use parameters to pass values, the difference
> isn't always quite as great as might be imagined.
> For complex values, this sounds horribly inefficient, but because values
> are pure (not mutable), very high levels of sharing can (sometimes, with
> good design!) be extensively shared.  Thus, a return value may well consist
> mostly of a copy of the input value, with differences, rather than actually
> being a complete new copy.  (Chris Okasaki's book shows well how to design
> to obtain these benefits.)
> Also, because Haskell is lazy, complex structures passed between functions
> don't necessarily ever exist in their entirety.  Sometimes, I think of a
> data structure as describing a computational traversal through some data,
> rathert than something that actually exists.  (This leads to very elegant
> expression of things like Prolog search-and-backtrack algorithms.)

So, if there is a data object (say, a list) stored with version number N, and another value is cons'ed to the list, then version N+1 will be stored as an application of cons to the value added, and the version N.

Thus, via versioning, some kind of mutability may be achieved (and of course these check-in and check-out must belong to IO monad).

These stored functions must be visible to the compiler, and when compiling some function f which calls g (compiled earlier and stored as version N), the code of this version of f (say, M) is built to call version N of g further on. So, all the type checks are done during compilation, and are not necessary during runtime, and yet the functions are compiled and stored separately (trying to address the issue with too large monolithic programs).

Newer version of f (say M+1) may be compiled against newer (at that time) version of g (N+1). So different versions of the same function may demonstrate different behaviors, but the "history of development" is preserved.

Put together, this gives some conceptual image of a "programmable data storage" with queries being calls to stored functions (with externally supplied agruments). All good things of Haskell like static type safety are preserved.

I am thinking of implementation of something like this using Hugs runtime as the basis. I realize, this may be very time consuming, so I am wondering, maybe someone already is developing something like this?

Or someone already tried, and found this inefficient or in some other way not feasible to implement?

Dimitry Golubovsky
Middletown, CT

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