countLines [] = 0
   countLines (_:ls) = 1 + countLines ls

I would have thought that this was tail recursive and would be
flattened into iteration by the compiler. Can anyone explain why?

This function isn't tail recursive, because you do additional operations to the result of the function call. The following is tail recursive:

countlines = aux 0
  where aux x []     = x
        aux x (_:ls) = aux (x+1) ls

So it should get "flattened," but it still doesn't run in constant space because the "x" parmeter isn't strict, so it will accumulate a bunch of closures like (((((((0)+1)+1)+1)+1)+1).... To make it strict, do something like this:

countlines = aux 0
   where aux x [] = x
         aux x (_:ls)
               | x `seq` False = undefined
               | otherwise     = aux (x+1) ls

The `seq` causes the x to be evaluated, so it should run in constant space.

As to predicting, I think that if the function is actually tail recursive and any accumulating parameters are strict, the function will run in constant space.

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