Thomas Johnsson wrote:
>>printastable :: [([Int],Word)] -> String
>>printastable l = concat $ map (\(xs,w) -> (show xs) ++ " " ++ w ++
>>"\n") l
> I'd use
> [ c | (xs,w) <- l, c <- (show xs) ++ " " ++ w ++ "\n" ]
> instead -- after all, list comprehensions provide a much nicer
> syntax for map, filter and concat.

Or, if you hate append as much as I do:

[ c | (xs,w) <- l, cs <- [show xs, " ", w, "\n"], c <- cs ]

If you're hard-core, you can turn show into shows and delete a comma...

(OK, it's terribly silly in this example, but I do use list
comprehensions in this way to avoid concat-ing an
already-appended-together list.)

-Jan-Willem Maessen

> -- Thomas
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