Greg Buchholz wrote:

Keean Schupke wrote:

I dont see why this is illegal... what do we want? take the top two items from the stack?

With the code below (direct translation from tuples to HLists) I still get an occurs check error when trying to define fact5...

Okay the reason is that types in the code end up depending on values. The
type of the stack changes when items are pushed or popped. So the type of the stack returned from recursive functions depends on the recursion count...

Haskell is not dependantly typed, so cannot deal with types that "depend" on
values. This is why your code with tuples, and the HList code (which is
really doing the same thing through a defined API) both fall down on the

One solution is to make all elements the same type and use lists... like:

   data Elem = ElemInt Int | ElemChar Char...

But this looses any static type checking. The alternative is to lift the "values"
to the type level, using something like Peano numbers to represent naturals:

data HZero = HZero
data HSucc x = HSucc x

Now different values have explictly different types, so we can have types
which depend on them...

Attached is an example implementation of "times" using this technique and the
HList library (its not debugged... so there might be some mistakes).


{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}

module Joy where

import MainGhcGeneric1

data Lit a = Lit a 
instance Apply (Lit a) s (HCons a s) where
	apply (Lit a) s = HCons a s

data If = If
instance Apply t s s' => Apply If (HCons f (HCons t (HCons HTrue s))) s' where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons t (HCons _ s))) = apply t s
instance Apply f s s' => Apply If (HCons f (HCons t (HCons HFalse s))) s' where
	apply _ (HCons f (HCons _ (HCons _ s))) = apply f s

data Eq = Eq
instance TypeEq a b t => Apply Eq (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons t s) where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = HCons (typeEq a b) s

data Dip = Dip
instance Apply a s s' => Apply Dip (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons b s') where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = HCons b (apply a s)

data Dup = Dup
instance Apply Dup (HCons a s) (HCons a (HCons a s)) where
	apply _ s@(HCons a _) = HCons a s

data Pop = Pop
instance Apply Pop (HCons a s) s where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = s

data Swap = Swap
instance Apply Swap (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons b (HCons a s)) where
	apply _ (HCons a (HCons b s)) = HCons b (HCons a s)

class (HNat a,HNat b) => HAdd a b c | a -> b -> c where
	hadd :: a -> b -> c
instance HAdd HZero HZero HZero where
	hadd _ _ = hZero
instance HAdd HZero (HSucc b) (HSucc b) where
	hadd _ b = b
instance HAdd a b c => HAdd (HSucc a) (HSucc b) (HSucc (HSucc c))
	hadd _ _ = hadd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)

data Add = Add
instance HAdd a b c => Apply Add (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons c s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons _ s)) = HCons (hadd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)) s

data Mult = Mult
instance HMult a b c => Apply Mult (HCons a (HCons b s)) (HCons c s) where
	apply _ (HCons _ (HCons _ s)) = HCons (hadd (undefined::a) (undefined::b)) s

data a @ b = a @ b
instance (Apply a s s',Apply b s' s'') => Apply (a @ b) s'' where
	apply (O a b) s = apply b (apply a s :: s')

type Square = Dup @ Mult
type Cube = Dup @ Dup @ Mult

data I = I
instance Apply a s s' => Apply I (HCons a s) s' where
	apply _ (HCons a s) = apply a s

data Times = Times
instance Apply Times (HCons p (HCons HZero s)) s where
	apply _ (HCons _ s) = s
instance Apply p s s' => Apply Times (HCons p (HCons (HSucc n) s) (HCons p (HCons n s')) where
	apply _ (HCons p (HCons _ s)) = HCons p (HCons (undefined::n) (apply p s))

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