Mark Carroll wrote:
> I was wondering about the possibility of using Haskell for developing
> device drivers that would be kernel modules for Linux. If nothing else,
> it would be quite an educational experience for me, as I've not yet
> experimented with either the Linux kernel or Haskell FFI, nor have I
> had to learn how to squeeze much performance out of my Haskell code.
> Clearly, this application demands special things from the compiler and
> the runtime. But, I'm not exactly sure what, nor how to achieve such
> given current compilers. Does anyone have any thoughts?

    You might be interested in hOp:

    "hOp is a micro-kernel based on the RTS of GHC. It is meant to
     enable people to experiment with writing device drivers in Haskell." 

    or maybe House...

Greg Buchholz

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