At 13:48 12/04/05 +0100, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

Henning Thielemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >> predicates                   a -> Bool
> >> selectors, transformators    a -> a
> >> list-valued functions        a -> [a]
> What about providing combinators for the most common cases and provide
> lifting functions for the uncommon cases, such as
> liftPred :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a])
> liftPred p x = if p x then [x] else []
> liftTrans :: (a -> b) -> (a -> [b])
> liftTrans f x = [f x]

Looks good.  If you want to come up with a concrete design for an fuller
set of alternative combinators, I'd be happy to include it into HaXml as
a further choice of facility.

Obliquely related to this thread:

When I added namespace support and other stuff to HaXml, I added (a) and "infoset" type parameter to the XML document type [1], and (b) a new transformation type [2] so that I could create new document types with additional information in the Haskell data to support features like XML namesspaces and xml:base.

I think your proposals could also be added into this framework, with the additional wrinkle that using a 'newtype' in the "infoset" value type, one could maybe achieve a degree of type safety, but at the cost of losing some of the algebraic properties of a 'CFilter'.

My version is on my web site (sorry I'm offline and can't find the actual URI right now).


[1] From my version of Text.XML.HaXml.Types:
data DocumentI i = Document Prolog (SymTab EntityDef) (ElementI i)

data ElementI i  = Elem QName i [Attribute] [ContentI i]
data ElemTag     = ElemTag Name [Attribute]       -- ^ intermediate for parsing
type Attribute   = (QName, AttValue)
data ContentI i  = CElem   (ElementI i)
                 | CString Bool CharData -- Bool flags whitespace significance
                 | CRef    Reference
                 | CMisc   Misc
                 | CErr    String        -- Fudge to get error diagnostics
                                         -- from a filter

data ElementInfoset = EI
    { eiNamespaces      :: [Namespace]
    , eiBase            :: String
    --  Non-infoset values
    --  (in xml namespace:
    , eiLang            :: String
    , eiSpace           :: Bool -- True=preserve, False=default
    -- ? , eiIdent           :: String  -- xml:id, or other ID value?
    } deriving Show
So that:

type Document = DocumentI ()
type Element  = ElementI ()
type Content  = ContentI ()

Provide compatibility with existing HaXml, but I can use
DocumentI ElementInfoset
ElementI ElementInfoset
ContentI ElementInfoset


[2] From my version of Text.XML.HaXml.Combinators:
type CTransform i1 i2 = ContentI i1 -> [ContentI i2]
type CFilterI   i     = CTransform i i
type CFilter          = CFilterI ()

------------ Graham Klyne For email:

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