
module Test where
import Char

then you don't have to load it in Hugs.  When you load it, I think (could 
be wrong, I'm not a big hugs guy) it's clearing the fact that you loaded 

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> Alright, I have what I believe must be a simple question. As one of the 
> exercises for the Haskell tutorial I got I have to implement an 
> alternative to the 'map' function.
> This is what I have:
> -----------------------------
> my/prompt $ cat Test.hs
> module Test
>      where
> my_map p [] = []
> my_map p (x:xs) = p x : my_map p xs
> my/prompt $ hugs
> [snip]
> Hugs.Base> :l Test
> Test> :also Char
> Char> map toUpper "Hello"
> Char> my_map toUpper "Hello"
> ERROR - Undefined variable "my_map"
> -----------------------------
> I can define other functions now (e.g. Fibonacci, length of a list). So 
> I'm not sure why I'm doing wrong here. Even if my syntax is wrong in 
> some way, the function should be defined.
> I would be grateful if anyone could point out my error.
> Cheers,
> Daniel.
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