Jerzy Karczmarczuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>Finally I found some time to reply to this posting. A couple of years ago we
>>did something called "Data Field Haskell", which is Haskell extended with a
>>generalized form of arrays called data fields. Much of the purpose was to
>>investigate convenient and general syntax for array constructions.
> Now, I know the existence of pages within
> but you say that the project is dormant. Is there *anything* going on?

This is quite cool. As GHC is gains the ability to use multiple
processors, so grows my interest in data parallelism with Haskell.

I haven't yet looked at the DFH thesis, but I am interested in data parallelism
projects in general. I was only aware of the parallel arrays in the the Nepal
project before DFH. 

Does anyone know of other data parallel projects that could be ported to GHC
without much trouble?
It seems I've been living two lives. One life is a self-employed web developer
In the other life, I'm shapr, functional programmer.  |
One of these lives has futures (and subcontinuations!)|  --Shae Matijs Erisson

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