Andrew Harris wrote:

   I've been thinking about writing a G-machine interpreter in FORTH
so that one could write Haskell like programs that would compile down
and run "graph-reduction" style on the FORTH machine.

   Many developers think FORTH is nice, but the language is so, shall
we say, "terse".

   I'm curious about what people think about this; having the
expressiveness of a Haskell-like language that compiles to this
environment might provide the best of both worlds, simple hardware
architecture and an advanced programming language.

IMHO Koopman's "TIGRE" ( might be a close approximation of what you want.

I had some (rather non-serious) experience with Forth, and I had great pleasure reading Koopman's paper on TIGRE. Unfortunately I couldn't find any further development on this topic (although I saw some later Koopman's publications on Forth itself). I guess, only someone "thinking Forth" (as in the Brodie's book) might develop such a thing.

Dimitry Golubovsky
Middletown, CT

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