Hi all,

A simple question for advanced Haskellers, but I still have some problems bending my mind over it.

Example: I have some function, that can return multiple results. Currently I need only the first one, but in the spirit of NotJustMaybe, I try to be as general as possible.

If I code it like this:

reduction :: (MonadPlus m) => [Rule] -> Expr -> m Expr
reduction expr = do
    rule <- rules
    reduction rule expr

Variable m gets unified with []. But I want m to stay as general as possible here.

This version works, but I somehow do not like the "smell" of it

reduction expr = do
    let listmonad = do
        rule <- rules
        reduction rule expr
    msum (map return listmonad)

Is there a better way how to "embed" MonadPlus in other "MonadPlus"?


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