Tomasz Zielonka wrote:

> Some time ago I wanted to return the escape continuation out of the
> callCC block, like this:
>   getCC = callCC (\c -> return c)

patterns like this are characteristic of shift/reset

-- From
reset :: (Monad m) => ContT a m a -> ContT r m a
reset e = ContT $ \k -> runContT e return >>= k

shift :: (Monad m) =>
         ((a -> ContT r m b) -> ContT b m b) 
          -> ContT b m a
shift e = ContT $ \k -> 
            runContT (e $ \v -> ContT $ \c -> k v >>= c) return

with them, we can implement the same tests, in a slightly de-sugared
way, for clarity:

> newtype H r m = H (H r m -> ContT r m r)
> unH (H x) = x
> -- prints "hello!" in an endless loop
> test :: IO ()
> test = (`runContT` return) $ reset (do
>             jump <- shift (\f -> f (H f))
>             lift (putStrLn "hello!")
>             unH jump jump)

> newtype H' r m a = H' ((a,H' r m a) -> ContT r m ())
> unH' (H' x) = x
> -- prints integers from 0 to 10, then prints finish and ends
> test' :: IO ()
> test' = (`runContT` return) $ 
>     do
>     reset (do
>            (x, jumpWith) <- (\x -> shift (\f -> f (x,(H' f)))) 0
>            lift (print x)
>            when (x < 10) (unH' jumpWith ((x + 1),jumpWith)))
>     lift (putStrLn "finish")

Delimited continuations are really cool.

The lack of the answer-type polymorphism in ContT will come to bite us in
the end: we can't use reset several times in differently-typed
contexts (which often means that we can use reset only once in our
program). The CC monad transformer (derived from the CC library by
Sabry, Dybvig, Peyton-Jones), freely available from 
is free from that drawback.

BTW, with that monad transformer, the example looks as follows (again,
in a de-sugared way, for clarity)

> import CC_2CPST
> newtype H'' r m a = H'' (CC r m (a,H'' r m a) -> CC r m ())
> unH'' (H'' x) = x
> test'' :: IO ()
> test'' = runCC (
>     do
>     p <- newPrompt
>     pushPrompt p (
>        do
>        (x, jumpWith) <- (\x -> shiftP p (\f -> f (return (x,(H'' f))))) 0
>        lift (print x)
>        when (x < 10) (unH'' jumpWith (return ((x + 1),jumpWith))))
>     lift (putStrLn "finish"))
> shiftP p f = letSubCont p $ \sk -> 
>                pushPrompt p (f (\c -> 
>                  pushPrompt p (pushSubCont sk c)))
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