Hello Bulat, thanks a lot for your message, the RULES pragma is just what we 

However, in some initial experiments I have observed some strange behavior. 
For instance, in the following program:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

apply :: (Int -> Int) -> Int -> Int
apply f n = f n

sqr :: Int -> Int
sqr n = n * n

optimized_sqr :: Int -> Int 
optimized_sqr n = n*n+1 -- to check that the rule works :-)

    "apply/sqr"    apply sqr = optimized_sqr

main = do
    --print $ apply sqr 3 
    print $ apply sqr 5

The rule is not applied.

1 RuleFired
    1 *#

if we uncomment the first line in the main function

main = do
    print $ apply sqr 3 
    print $ apply sqr 5 

then the rule is correctly applied:

6 RuleFired
    2 *#
    2 +#
    2 apply/sqr

Solution: include at the beginning of the file

module Main

and then the rule works in both cases.

I have a similar problem in the LinearAlgebra library but there, curiously, 
the rule only works if it is applied once:

module Main 
import (...)
main = do 
        print $ Vector.map cos v
     --print $ Vector.map cos v

==================== Grand total simplifier statistics ====================
Total ticks:     2584

461 PreInlineUnconditionally
230 PostInlineUnconditionally
387 UnfoldingDone
91 RuleFired
    2 *#
    16 *##
    5 +##
    8 ++
    5 -##
    2 SPEC $fLinearArray1
    2 SPEC $fLinearArray2
    1 SPEC $fNumComplex
    1 SPEC $fShowComplex
    1 Vector.map/cos          <--------------- OK
    20 int2Double#
    4 map
    4 mapList
    2 plusDouble 0.0 x
    4 plusDouble x 0.0
    2 timesDouble x 0.0
    2 timesDouble x 1.0
    3 unpack
    3 unpack-list
    2 zipWith
    2 zipWithList
47 LetFloatFromLet
9 EtaReduction
1136 BetaReduction
6 CaseOfCase
217 KnownBranch
14 SimplifierDone


main = do 
        print $ Vector.map cos v
     print $ Vector.map cos v

==================== Grand total simplifier statistics ====================
Total ticks:     2664

470 PreInlineUnconditionally
240 PostInlineUnconditionally
402 UnfoldingDone
90 RuleFired
    2 *#
    16 *##
    5 +##
    8 ++
    5 -##
    2 SPEC $fLinearArray1
    2 SPEC $fLinearArray2
    1 SPEC $fNumComplex
    1 SPEC $fShowComplex
    20 int2Double#
    4 map
    4 mapList
    2 plusDouble 0.0 x
    4 plusDouble x 0.0
    2 timesDouble x 0.0
    2 timesDouble x 1.0
    3 unpack
    3 unpack-list
    2 zipWith
    2 zipWithList
49 LetFloatFromLet
9 EtaReduction
1181 BetaReduction
5 CaseOfCase
218 KnownBranch
17 SimplifierDone

I have tried several ideas, without any luck. 


On Monday 18 July 2005 10:14, Bulat Ziganshin wrote:
> Hello Alberto,
> Wednesday, July 13, 2005, 8:13:48 PM, you wrote:
> >>If there are no efficiency concerns, I would drop element-wise operations
> >>and prefer a matrix-map and a matrix-zipWith. If these operations shall
> >>remain I would somehow point to their element-wise operation in the name.
> AR> There is about 5x speed gain if we map in the C side. The "optimized"
> floating AR> map functions could be moved to a separate module.
> GHC also have a RULES pragma which can be used to automatically
> convert, for example, "mmap (*)" to "multipleElementWise". below is
> examples of using this pragma in the standard GHC modules:
> {-# RULES
> "foldr/id"                    foldr (:) []  = \x->x
> "foldr/single"  forall k z x. foldr k z [x] = k x z
> "foldr/nil"     forall k z.   foldr k z []  = z
>  #-}
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