Keean Schupke wrote:
Other things we can do ... with dependant types we can ask the compiler to prove the correctness of sorting algorithms. If we define an ordered list tgo be one where each element must be larger than the preceding one:

data OrderedIntList = Cons (a::Int) (l::OrderedList) | Nil {- where a <= head l -}
   data IntList = [Int]

We can now define our sorting function:

   quicksort :: IntList -> OrderedIntList

By this we are asking the compiler to prove (by induction) that the function provided can only result in correctly ordered lists - irrespective of what arguments it is given (ie proved true for any input)... This would have to be done symbolically but is not beyond what can be achieved using logic programming.

But the output being ordered is not enough.  The output should also
be a permutation of the input.  This can, of course, be expressed
in a similar way.

        -- Lennart
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