On Mon, 2005-09-05 at 11:12 +0100, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

> > Why is this a Cabal issue?  Are you interested in adding Buddah
> > support to Cabal?
> I think what Bernie is referring to is that ghc-pkg-6.4 uses an input
> file format very similar to Cabal's file format, for registering a
> new package.  I would guess that Buddha needs to register a "buddha"
> package with ghc, but for now doesn't have the right syntax.  The file
> formats of Cabal and ghc-pkg are so similar that many people think
> they are the same thing, hence he can be forgiven for referring to
> it as a Cabal issue, rather than a ghc-pkg issue.

Malcolm is right. I have a ghc-pkg problem, not a cabal one. I was
looking in the wrong place (cabal docs), when I should have been looking
in the ghc docs.

Thanks Malcolm. 


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