On 12 sept. 05, at 00:50, Ralf Lammel wrote:

- XML wasn't mentioned in your message. I wonder whether they discuss it
in the actual thread. (Yes, you might be saying XML is not the same

Yes, fowler mentionned XML:
 "XML has its uses, but isn't exactly easy to read. We could make it easier to see what's going on by using a custom syntax. Perhaps like this:"

I dont think XML is a good idea for files that are managed/edited by humans.
Of course the job of the programmer is easier when the file is coded in XML, but I think the user prefer simpler files with a custom syntax, and
the user is the king.
I am a programmer and personnaly I dont want to code my haskell code in XML, so I presume it is the same for the user with configuration files. 

language as you are programming in, but it so easy to process XML in
many languages, and one uses XSD for the DSL syntax). In fact, in
Haskell I would strongly consider using HaXML or similar technology for
non-trivial configuration problems. XML makes configuration also more
portable. In reality, I don't see much value in using the programming
language syntax for representing the configuration information. This
makes it only harder to process those configurations with other tools.

Well except if your programming langage is lisp in which case parsing the configuration file is 
just a call to read.


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