Thanks for this!  That is helpful and eye-opening.  I do want to use
ghc, though I don't really have a good reason for that choice.  It
seems that if I were to go with hugs, it would be easier going.

On 9/15/05, Juan Carlos Arevalo Baeza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     GHC 6.4's support for Win32 is definitely broken. However, I've been
> experimenting with implementing a wrapper using FFI, and that has proven to
> be reasonably easy. The only gotchas:
>  1- You have to run ghc --make with the extra -lGdi32, -lUser32, etc...
> switches.
>  2- You can't use something like ghc -e:Main.main Main.hs to run Win32
> programs. As soon as you are passing function pointers around (WindowProcs
> and the like) it just won't work because of the stub.c files.
>  3- Safely managing function pointers can be tricky, because FuncPtr has to
> be explicitly deallocated or else it will leak.
>  4- If you don't want to have the console window, you have to add the
> -optl-mwindows switch to the command line (hopefully, it'll be documented at
> some point) and refrain from ever writing anything out to stdout or stderr.
> If you want to be able to write stuff out (so that you can see it by
> ommitting the switch) then do something like this: 
>  ---8<---------------------------
>  initGUI = catch (putStr " \b" >> hFlush stdout) $ \_ -> do
>      fd <- open "nul" 2 0
>      dup2 fd 0
>      dup2 fd 1
>      dup2 fd 2
>      return ()
>  open fname oflag pmode = withCString fname $ \c_fname -> c_open c_fname
> oflag pmode
>  foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h __hscore_open" c_open :: CString ->
> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
>  foreign import ccall unsafe "HsBase.h dup2" dup2            :: CInt -> CInt
> -> IO CInt
>  ---8<---------------------------
>     and then call initGUI from your main.
>     All very platform/compiler dependent, of course, so use with good
> judgement.
>  Neil Mitchell wrote: 
>  Hi,
> The CVS version of Hugs for Windows has a module
> System.Win32.Registry, along with quite a few other windows modules.
> I'm not sure if the last stable releases have these features in or not.
> Thanks
> Neil
> On 9/11/05, Brian McQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  How can I use Haskell to do general Windows programming, like you
> would be able to do if you were using one of those Windows IDEs:
> *moving data between windows apps
> *gaining access to windows registry
> *in general, access to the available Windows APIs
> I'm sure folks must be writing Windows apps in Haskell somewhere. How
> do I get started?
> Brian McQueen
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