I've not been following this thread very closely, but it seems like what
you're trying to do may be related to Geoffrey Mainland's work on SIMD
support in GHC. See [1] for his "SIMD-enabled version of the vector
library". He's also written some blog posts about this [2].


[1] https://github.com/mainland/vector
[2] http://ghc-simd.blogspot.com.au/

On 8 July 2012 05:13, Nicolas Trangez <nico...@incubaid.com> wrote:

> All,
> After my message of yesterday [1] I got down to it and implemented
> something along those lines. I created a playground repository
> containing the code at [2]. Initial benchmark results at [3]. More about
> the benchmark at the end of this email.
> First some questions and requests for help:
> - I'm stuck with a typing issue related to 'sizeOf' calculation at [4].
> I tried a couple of things, but wasn't able to figure out how to fix it.
> - I'm using unsafePerformIO at [5], yet I'm not certain it's OK to do
> so. Are there better (safer/performant/...) ways to get this working?
> - Currently Alignment phantom types (e.g. A8 and A16) are not related to
> each other: a function (like Data.Vector.SIMD.Algorithms.unsafeXorSSE42)
> can have this signature:
> unsafeXorSSE42 :: Storable a => SV.Vector SV.A16 a -> SV.Vector SV.A16 a
> -> SV.Vector SV.A16 a
> Yet, imaging I'd have an "SV.Vector SV.A32 Word8" vector at hand, the
> function should accept it as well (a 32-byte aligned vector is also
> 16-byte aligned). Is there any way to encode this at the type level?
> That's about it :-)
> As of now, I only implemented a couple of the vector API functions (the
> ones required to execute my benchmark). Adding the others should be
> trivial.
> The benchmark works with Data.Vector.{Unboxed|Storable}.Vector (UV and
> SV) vectors of Word8 values, as well as my custom
> Data.Vector.SIMD.Vector type (MV) using 16-byte alignment (MV.Vector
> MV.A16 Word8).
> benchUV, benchSV and benchMV all take 2 pre-calculated Word8 vectors of
> given size (1024 and 4096) and xor them pairwise into the result using
> "zipWith xor". benchMVA takes 2 suitable MV vectors and xor's them into
> a third using a rather simple and unoptimized C implementation using
> SSE4.2 intrinsics [6]. This could be enhanced quite a bit (I guess using
> the prim calling convention, FFI overhead can be reduced as well).
> Currently, only vectors of a multiple of 32 bytes are supported (mostly
> because of laziness on my part).
> As you can see, the zipWith Data.Vector.SIMD implementation is slightly
> slower than the Data.Vector.Storable based one. I didn't perform much
> profiling yet, but I suspect allocation and ForeignPtr creation is to
> blame, this seems to be highly optimized in
> GHC.ForeignPtr.mallocPlainForeignPtrBytes as used by
> Data.Vector.Storable.
> Thanks for any input,
> Nicolas
> [1] http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2012-July/102167.html
> [2] https://github.com/NicolasT/vector-simd/
> [3] http://linode2.nicolast.be/files/vector-simd-xor1.html
> [4]
> https://github.com/NicolasT/vector-simd/blob/master/src/Data/Vector/SIMD/Algorithms.hs#L46
> [5]
> https://github.com/NicolasT/vector-simd/blob/master/src/Data/Vector/SIMD/Algorithms.hs#L43
> [6]
> https://github.com/NicolasT/vector-simd/blob/master/cbits/vector-simd.c#L47
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