[This message is more appropriate for a hackage mailing list I presume, but
that doesn't seem to exist. Let me know if there's a better place to send

I'm having a hackage compile failure for a newly uplodaded package that has
a QuickCheck 2.5 dependence. The error message is:

[13 of 13] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.All ( Test/QuickCheck/All.hs,
dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/All.o )

    Bad interface file:
        Something is amiss; requested module
template-haskell- differs from name found
in the interface file template-haskell:Language.Haskell.TH

The full log file is at (search for "Something is a miss" in it):

Needless to say, I don't see this problem when I compile this package
at home with the same compiler (ghc 7.4.1) as hackage is using; also
Hackage has a successfully compiled QuickCheck 2.5 package.

Could it be something related to the particular cabal/ghc installation
on the hackage server? In particular, I don't understand why it picks
template-haskell when there's a newer version ( As
far as I can see, QuickCheck doesn't put an upper limit on its
template haskell version dependency.

I'd appreciate any pointers with this. (Googling and questions on the
#haskell irc channel didn't help much, unfortunately.)

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