Hi Martijn,

Yes, upgrading will obviously fix things (we do use 0.14 on our
development machines), but we have not set up any infrastructure for
building a custom cabal on production servers. We just use the one
from the Ubuntu repositories, which uses Cabal on oneiric. So
until we upgrade to precise I guess we have a problem.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:24 PM, Martijn Schrage <mart...@oblomov.com> wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> A similar thing happened to me with the GraphViz package. As Duncan
> explained to me, the problem is that Cabal- (and I believe also
> incorrectly reports an error when conditionals are used in test
> suites.
> Upgrading to Cabal- (or cabal-install-0.14.0 with Cabal-1.14.0)
> should fix the problem. Unfortunately, this means your build will not work
> on a fresh Haskell Platform v2012.2.0.0, until HUnit is patched in the
> hackage index.
> Cheers,
> Martijn Schrage -- Oblomov Systems (http://www.oblomov.com)
> On 18-07-12 16:26, Erik Hesselink wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> All cabal installs using cabal-install-0.10.2 are currently failing
>> for us. This is due to the cabal file for HUnit-, which was
>> recently uploaded to hackage. The ouput I'm getting from cabal is
>> just:
>> Reading available packages...
>> Resolving dependencies...
>> cabal: Couldn't read cabal file "HUnit/"
>> If I unpack HUnit- and call 'cabal configure', I get:
>> cabal: HUnit.cabal:57: The 'type' field is required for test suites. The
>> available test types are: exitcode-stdio-1.0
>> The relevant lines from the cabal file are:
>> Test-Suite hunit-tests-optimize-0
>>      Type:               exitcode-stdio-1.0
>> These look fine to me.
>> Does anyone have any idea how to go about fixing this (on hackage at
>> least)? Could this package temporarily be removed, to avoid breaking
>> everyone's cabal?
>> Erik
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