fixity declaration has form *infix(l|r)? [Digit]* in haskell. I'm pretty sure, that this is not enough for complicated cases. Ideally, fixity declarations should have form *infix(l|r)? [Digit](\.(+|-)[Digit])** , with implied infinitely long repeated (.0) tail. This will allow fine tuning of operator priorities and much easier priority selection. For example, it may be assumed, that bit operations like (.&.) operator have hightest priority and have priorities like 9.0.1 or 9.0.2, anti-lisps like ($) have lowest priority like 0.0.1, control operators have base priority 1.* and logic operations like (&&) have priority of 2.* and it will be possibly to add new operators between or above all (for example) control operators without moving fixity of other ones.

Agda2 language supports wide priority range, but still without 'tails' to my knowledge. Is there any haskell-influenced language or experimental syntactic extension that address the issue?
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