I see. There exists an equivalent version but more generic?
Just out of curiosity, I'm still pretty new to arrows, as you may have read


On 3 October 2012 15:59, Ertugrul Söylemez <e...@ertes.de> wrote:

> Alfredo Di Napoli <alfredo.dinap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Solution was simple, after reading that functions are arrows:
> >
> > swapA' t = (swapFirst >>> swapSecond) (t,t)
> >   where
> >     swapFirst  = first snd
> >     swapSecond = second fst
> No, that's not a solution, unless a = (->) is acceptable.  This code is
> specific to the function arrow.
> Greets,
> Ertugrul
> --
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