Hi Janek,

On 18/10/12 10:23, Janek S. wrote:
during past few days I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to write 
Criterion benchmarks,
so that results don't get skewed by lazy evaluation. I want to benchmark 
different versions of an
algorithm doing numerical computations on a vector. For that I need to create 
an input vector
containing a few thousand elements. I decided to create random data, but that 
really doesn't
matter - I could have as well use infinite lists instead of random ones.


The question is how to generate data so that its evaluation won't be included 
in the benchmark.

Something like this might work, not sure what the canonical way is.

main = do
  let input = L.dataBuild gen
  evaluate (rnf input)
     bench "Lists" $ nf L.benchThisFunction input

I did use something like this in practice here:




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