I think the stm-conduit package[1] may be helpful for this use case. Each
time you get a new command, you can fork a thread and give it the TBMChan
to write to, and you can use sourceTBMChan to get a source to send to the


[1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/stm-conduit

On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Nicolas Trangez <nico...@incubaid.com>wrote:

> All,
> I've written a library to implement servers for some protocol using
> Conduit (I'll announce more details later).
> The protocol supports pipelining, i.e. a client can send a 'command'
> which contains some opaque 'handle' chosen by the client, the server
> processes this command, then returns some reply which contains this
> handle. The client is free to send other commands before receiving a
> reply for any previous request, and the server can process these
> commands in any order, sequential or concurrently.
> The library is based on network-conduit's "Application" style [1], as
> such now I write code like (OTOH)
> > application :: AppData IO -> IO ()
> > application client = appSource client $= handler $$ appSink client
> >   where
> >     handler = do
> >         negotiateResult <- MyLib.negotiate
> >         liftIO $ validateNegotiateResult negotiateResult
> >         MyLib.sendInformation 123
> >         loop
> >
> >    loop = do
> >        command <- MyLib.getCommand
> >        case command of
> >            CommandA handle arg -> do
> >                result <- liftIO $ doComplexProcessingA arg
> >                MyLib.sendReply handle result
> >                loop
> >            Disconnect -> return ()
> This approach handles commands in-order, sequentially. Since command
> processing can involve quite some IO operations to disk or network, I've
> been trying to support pipelining on the server-side, but as of now I
> was unable to get things working.
> The idea would be to have a pool of worker threads, which receive work
> items from some channel, then return any result on some other channel,
> which should then be returned to the client.
> This means inside "loop" I would have 2 sources: commands coming from
> the client (using 'MyLib.getCommand :: MonadIO m => Pipe ByteString
> ByteString o u m Command'), as well as command results coming from the
> worker threads through the result channel. Whenever the first source
> produces something, it should be pushed onto the work queue, and
> whenever the second on yields some result it should be sent to the
> client using 'MyLib.sendReply :: Monad m => Handle -> Result -> Pipe l i
> ByteString u m ()'
> I've been fighting this for a while and haven't managed to get something
> sensible working. Maybe the design of my library is flawed, or maybe I'm
> approaching the problem incorrectly, or ...
> Has this ever been done before, or would anyone have some pointers how
> to tackle this?
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
> [1]
> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/network-conduit/
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