
> Now, on to Bind: the standard finite structure example for Bind is
most probably the substitution thingy ...

Danger of conflating a bunch of things here:

(1) the substitution monadic effect is always also applicative and always
also unital/pointed because monads are always applicative and pointed.

(2) the zippy applicative effect is NOT monadic (see main applicative paper)

(3) for finite structures, there's even a
pre-applicative-but-still-zippy-ish Apply effect that's apparently NOT
unital/pointed. I don't know of any results that crystallize this intuition
about finite/infinite cleanly distributing itself into Applicative and
Apply bins.

(4) all the above has thus far been functors! Gershom has explained a use
case where Apply isn't even one.

-- Kim-Ee

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Ben Franksen <> wrote:

> Gershom Bazerman wrote:
> > On 11/30/12 10:44 AM, Dan Doel wrote:
> >>
> >> Lists! The finite kind.
> >>
> >> This could mean Seq for instance.
> >>
> >> On Nov 30, 2012 9:53 AM, "Brent Yorgey" <
> >> <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>     Any data type which admits structures of arbitrary but *only finite*
> >>     size has a natural "zippy" Apply instance but no Applicative (since
> >>     pure would have to be an infinite structure).  The Map instance I
> >>     mentioned above falls in this category.  Though I guess I'm having
> >>     trouble coming up with other examples, but I'm sure some exist.
> Maybe
> >>     Edward knows of other examples.
> >>
> >
> > Another common case would be an embedded DSL representing code in a
> > different language, targeting a different platform (or even an FPGA or
> > the like), etc. You can apply `OtherLang (a -> b)` to an `OtherLang a`
> > and get an `OtherLang b`, but you clearly can't promote (or "lower," I
> > guess) an arbitrary Haskell function into a function in your target
> > language. This is the same reason that GArrows remove the `arr` function
> > (
> A fine example! And I am getting the drift... yes, this could be a useful
> abstraction.
> Now, on to Bind: the standard finite structure example for Bind is most
> probably the substitution thingy, i.e. if m :: m a, f :: a -> m b, then m
> >>= f means replace all elements x :: a in m with f x and then flatten the
> result so it's an m b again. Like concatMap for lists, right? So, there is
> no return for that in the Map case for exactly the same reason as with
> Apply: the unit would have have value id for every possible key, so cannot
> be finite.
> So what about an example for Bind\\Monad that is not yet another variation
> of the finite structure theme?
> Cheers
> --
> Ben Franksen
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