Kim-Eeh, Tillmann,

I am interested in the definition of deep vs shallow embedded, even if it is 
not featured in the Fowler textbook. Fowler that is one textbook "only" and I 
am not focused on it. 


On Dec 5, 2012, at 2:59 AM, Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 8:32 AM, Tillmann Rendel 
> <> wrote:
> I mean internal == embedded, independently of deep vs. shallow, following 
> Martin Fowler [1].
> [1]
> If I look here [2] I see:
> "An internal DSL is just a particular idiom of writing code in the host 
> language. So a Ruby internal DSL is Ruby code, just written in particular 
> style which gives a more language-like feel. As such they are often called 
> Fluent Interfaces orEmbedded DSLs. An external DSL is a completely separate 
> language that is parsed into data that the host language can understand."
> Fowler places undue emphasis on the "completely separate language", but other 
> than that, the correspondence is clear. I wonder how he thinks about C 
> implementing C? Or ghc implementing haskell in haskell? Would he say, "Well, 
> clearly C and haskell are not DSLs, they are general purpose languages!"?
> [2]
> -- Kim-Ee
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