Hey, Petr!

Have you considered licensing your library as BSD?  Given the current
way that Haskell programs are compiled, your library is effectively
licensed as GPL and that will scare away many people from using it.

Cheers, =)

On Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 6:58 PM, Petr P <petr....@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Dear Haskellers,
> I'd like to announce a small library "tie-knot":
> "Ties the knot" on a given set of structures that reference each other by
> keys - replaces the keys with their respective values.  Takes Map k (v k)
> and converts into Map k v' where v' is the fixed point of v.
> Motivation: I needed to assemble a finite-state machine from an external
> description where each node was described by some identifier. I needed a
> simple library that would replace all key referencess with the actual
> values.
> See https://github.com/ppetr/tie-knot for examples.
> Hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/tie-knot
> - Petr Pudlak
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