On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 03:50:32PM +0000, gra...@fatlazycat.com wrote:
> Getting test failures, I believe, due to using conditional properties
> within quickckeck etc
> [TEST] RecFunSpec:map (test/RecFunSpec.hs:48)
> Gave up! Passed only 20 tests.
> *** Failed! (2ms)
> Is there a way for HTF/Quickcheck to specify these are not failed i.e.
> only fail if there is an actual error ?

I have no idea about HTF, but QuickCheck thinks those are failures, too.
If I run into something like this, it  indicates a "bug" in my arbitrary
instance.  Here I would just adapt it so that it generates valid test
data (possibly with the help of a newtype wrap).


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