On 12/17/12 9:45 PM, Christopher Howard wrote:
So you could have...

(coupler <.> thing) <.> gadget

Because the coupler and the thing would combine to create a component
with one spare connector. This would then combine with the gadget to
make the final component. However, if you did...

coupler <.> (thing <.> gadget)

Then thing and gadget combine to make a component with no spare
connectors. And so the new component and the coupler then fail to
combine. Associativity law broken.

I don't know about this particular case, but often when "it should be associative but isn't" problems come up, it helps to rephrase things. For example, consider plain old Haskell, but where we make application explicit. On the one hand, we can have:

    f $ (g $ x)

and that's fine. But it's not equivalent to:

    (f $ g) $ x

But the problem here isn't that we don't have associativity; the problem is that function application isn't the associative operator. The associative operator is function composition. Thus, we can rephrase the above as:

    f . (g . const x)

Which is indeed equivalent to:

    (f . g) . const x

Note that in order to dispense with ($) entirely, we had to replace "x" by "const x" in order to make it a function just like everything else. This is akin to the trick we use in category theory to get away from talking about "values" or "elements". If your category has a terminal object, which I'll call (), then we can represent the "elements" of A by morphisms ()->A. By terminality there's no "interesting" structure in (), thus, the only information in ()->A is however we're selecting our "element" of A.

This is, of course, the same exact thing that happens in vector spaces and the like. If I write (*.) for scaling a vector, then we have:

    x *. (y *. a) == (x * y) *. a

which should look suspiciously similar to:

    f $ (g $ x) == (f . g) $ x

But from your description, it sounds like the above may not be the source of your problem. The second sort of non-associativity problem that's common is when dealing with a function of multiple arguments (or similar). That is, there are two separate kinds of "whitespace for application" in Haskell. This is easy to see if we switch to the Applicative paradigm:

   f <$> x <*> y

Now, for Applicatives this happens because the f above is pure. But we also run into it with plain functions--- namely, we can have our functions curried or not. We can freely switch between these different representations, but we can't get away from the fact that they both exist. Thus, there's a sort of inherent difference between the juxtaposition of a function and it's (first) argument, vs the juxtaposition of multiple arguments. Regardless of whether we view the latter as tupling or as subsequent-application, both of those perspectives are distinct from the initial-application.

The solution here, I think, is just to recognize what's going on. If you need two operators, then you need two operators, and that's fine. With the examples above it comes from dealing with a cartesian closed category, but there are certainly other structures your operators may be examples of.

Live well,

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