Hi, hoodle lovers :-)

I am pleased to announce hoodle v0.1.1.
In this version, I  added the following functionality and made several
   * context (popup) menu support : after you select, you will see a
context menu for the selected items (make pdf, make svg, cut, copy,
delete ...) You can also make your own context menu by scripting
$HOME/.hoodle.d/start.hs. I will explain this later in this email.
   * text input support : text can be entered. currently font cannot
be changed yet.
   * SVG import support : SVG can be imported as vector graphics
   * JPG import support : in addition to PNG, now JPG can be imported
   * embedding image : by default, hoodle now embed image in the file.
It can be turned off by checking off in option menu.
   * full screen mode support
   * color picker support
   * rendering engine is improved much
I have added the following experimental functions.
   * LaTeX input support (more precisely itex and MathML) : using
lasem library ( https://live.gnome.org/Lasem  git repository :
http://git.gnome.org/cgit/lasem/ ), mathematical expression input is
   * smooth scrolling

Internally, hoodle generates SVG image from text (and latex input), so
that it can be viewed exactly the same for any computer and font

Hoodle has a scripting support like xmonad. If you have
$HOME/.hoodle.d/start.hs , then the script will be automatically
compiled using dyre and you can customize your hoodle. There are not
so many hooks available yet, but I will add more and more hooks as
time goes. Currently, I use file name suggestion hook (using current
date/time) and custom context menu. (using this, I automatically
generate png image from selected items and put it on my dropbox
folder. This turned out extremely useful.)
See my example start.hs  : https://gist.github.com/4551914

Installation is always simple :-)
> cabal update

you can install hoodle without poppler (pdf rendering support)

> cabal install hoodle

or with poppler (pdf rendering support) : recommended

> cabal install -fpoppler hoodle-render hoodle-core hoodle

If you have previous version of hoodle on your system, to uninstall
previous version

> ghc-pkg unregister coroutine-object --force
> ghc-pkg unregister hoodle-types --force
> ghc-pkg unregister xournal-types --force

then install using cabal as above.

Please give it a try. Hope that you will enjoy the new version.

Ian-Woo Kim

p.s. if you are interested in hoodle development and any questions
about using hoodle, please subscribe to hoodle google group
(  https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/hoodle ) .
Issuing at http://github.com/wavewave/hoodle is also very welcome.

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