On 11/13/05, Murray Gross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is my trivial program:
> import Bits
> main = putStr (show(bit 0::Int)++"  "++show (mybit 0))
> mybit:: Int -> Int
> mybit x = setBit (bit 0) x
> The output (with GHC-5) is
> 1  1
> My question: Why is (bit 0) equal to 1 and not 0?

If only the first bit in an Integer is set then the number is equal to 1.

> That first bit is set
> regardless of the value of x (I have tried several), although in each
> case, the bit I expect to be set is also set (e.g., mybit 4 yields 17).


'setBit (bit 0) 4' => 'setBit 1 4' => (binary) 10001 => (dec) 17
You're setting the fifth bit in '1' instead of setting the seconded bit in '4'.

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